
A closer look at the HTC Fuze ROM update

The on-once again, off-again ROM Update for the AT&T Fuze seems to have stabilized with fewer "Oh No! 404" errors popping upward when yous become to it'south download link. Having had success at downloading the update and avoiding the dreaded fault letters, we have installed the update on the Fuze and while the new update started a lilliputian rocky, things settled downwardly and liked what we take plant.

We promise no "404" errors are present after the break, but our observations on the updated ROM.

Some fourth dimension ago, nosotros reported on a leaked AT&T Test ROM and liked what the engineers had washed. The "official" version of the Fuze ROM isn't much different than the leaked "Test" version. You lot don't take the "Exam ROM" text on the start up screen but the overall speed seems to take gotten zippier.


Installation of the updated ROM is simple, and HTC did a good job of laying out the instructions not only on the download screen but in the installation wizard too. You lot enter your Fuze's serial number, choose the file most suitable for your device (hint: HTC FUZE ROM Update) so the download location closest to you. Click the "Download" button and the 146mb file download begins.

From there all yous do is double-click on the executable file and follow the installation wizards' directions. Remember this update will wipe your Fuze clean so information technology is important that y'all Support your data before proceeding and remove the expansion bill of fare from the phone. The entire process, minus the download fourth dimension, took merely over ten minutes.  The initial first-up seemed to take a little longer than when I flashed the Test ROM then be patient.

Later on the installation was complete, the Fuze did seem to exist a little sluggish. My initial screen scale was slightly off center (easily fixed through re-calibration) but other than that, the initial setup went smoothly. After a minute or so of using the Fuze information technology began to aught along nicely.

What's New?

According to HTC the update has the following changes/additions:

  • Microsofts Windows Mobile Adaptation Kit Update (AKU) 1.4.6
  • Slide to Answer
  • Push button To Talk Button is at present re-assignable
  • FM Radio Application
  • Enhanced MS Voice Command
  • Call waiting indicator is at present aural when using Speakerphone
  • HTC Music player supports Album art/info I
  • mproved TouchFlo3D (TF3D) and User Interface performance
  • A-GPS Update: Speeds up the time it takes the GPS to get a set on your location

All in all the changes to the "official" ROM aren't very dissimilar from the "leaked" version. There'southward a new radio version included with the update and GPS performance might exist the biggest improved. I was able to go a GPS set nether a minute through Google Maps with the updated ROM.

I liked the Slide to Answer characteristic but wished HTC would have added a Slide to Unlock feature every bit well. Ane footnote on the Slide to Answer is that if your using S2U2 you will need to disable it's slide to respond feature or it will conflict with the updated ROM.

In addition to the changes HTC listed, you also become an updated version of Opera that was leaked over at Fuze Mobility some time ago. You besides become the customary AT&T bloatware.

Dealing with the Bloat

Some have asked if there is any manner you tin can eliminate the bloat and while we've posted on this earlier, information technology may non exist a bad idea to rehash the bloatware exorcism that will gratuitous upwardly a bit of retention.

When yous update the ROM, your Fuze will basically become through a difficult reset.  Wait for the "tap here to customize" screen and let the Fuze go through the starting time round of software installation.

Go through the screen scale and skip or go through the tutorials and password settings.

The Today Screen volition announced and yous'll and so see a dialogue box that says, "Tap to install customization". The second you tap "OK" you must IMMEDIATELY hit the reset button and perform a soft reset. The soft reset will preempt the bloatware installation.

There are a few .cab files you'll need to install after the soft reset is complete. Go to your File Explorer and run the following files from the Windows Directory.


This will get your Touchflo 3D, Microsoft's security and the Opera Browser installed. If you don't want TouchFlo 3D or Opera installed, skip those two files but install the security file.

Overall Impression

Several accept asked if they are happy with the Examination ROM, should they take the risk with the "official" update. Why go through the headaches of a hard reset if theres' not that much of a change. The features on the updated ROM are the aforementioned features on the Test ROM. Nevertheless, the performance of the Test ROM was an improvement over the original ROM and the "official" ROM an comeback over the Test ROM. That'southward the way it's supposed to piece of work, right?

While the download site hasn't been user friendly, the updated ROM definitely improves the Fuze's performance. From improved GPS performance to being able to map the PTT button to a more responsive touch screen, my experience was that the updated ROM was definitely worth the download time.

Whether or not you should update from the Test ROM is your call just I'chiliad not regretting installing the "official" version at all. If y'all're running the original ROM on the Fuze, the updated ROM's enhanced performances should be a welcomed sight and well worth the difficult reset.

To start the download, but visit HTC'south Back up Page here.

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